Pubblichiamo la lettera di ringraziamento del team AUSTRALIANO RedLine

Dear Paola and the Associazione Vela Lago di Ledro,

The boys from Redline Racing would like to extend a special thank you to you Paolo and the Associazione Vela Lago di Ledro for the fantastic event that was the O.M. Ledro International. Without events like these, teams like us would never get the chance to build up invaluable experience and get our names out there into the world of match racing.

A special thank you to you and your team of race managers, mark layers, umpires and volunteers who all were so friendly and helpful as well as doing a fantastic job. We would also like to thank you for organising our billeting as it in itself was a fantastic experience as well as saving us hundreds of dollars in accommodation and transport.

Even with the wind a little lacking, we loved sailing on Lake Ledro and spending time in the region itself. We all thoroughly enjoyed the regatta and cannot wait to hopefully come back next year! Many thanks again.

Redline Racing

Matt Jerwood, Alex Landwehr & Patrick Vos
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